Monday, 12 June 2017

The newspaper of the bush

The bush has its own way of telling stories, without uttering a word. The inhabitants of Mother Nature leave no stone unturned and no blade of grass unbent of what they are doing and where they are going. That is, if we only had the eyes to see, the ears to hear and the patience to wait…

The ability to track an animal or the ability to look at spoor and tell what sequence of events has taken place is both an art and a science. No wonder Master Tracker Elmon Ndlovu says, “to track and find the animal you need to think like the animal”.

The Africa Nature Training Track & Sign Course is an introduction to the wonderful world of spoor and tracking. Our aim is to give the participants on this course a taste of what awaits every time we walk in the veld. By the end of this extraordinary experience we know that you will see the activities of animals, and the story they leave behind, in a different light. And it is a definite that the knowledge you would have gained will serve as the beginning of a lifelong association with the signs of the wild.

ANT’s next Track & Sign course at Intibane at Thanda Safari from 13-16 July will enable you to enhance your natural wilderness experience greatly. This is a course that will make you look at the natural environment with new eyes, being able to interpret the clues and signs left by animals in a whole new way. At the end of the course, you'll be able to identify spoor and dung/scat as well as territorial or behavioral signs of animals.

The course teaches the art of tracking; you will in a sense have to become the animal. And then use the broad tracking principles of observation, identification and interpretation to find the animal.

Because as Proust said, “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”


  1. What a nice piece of new information, I really love to get to know the planet earth with a closer look. Thanks for sharing all you valuable information I will surely apply them on my Thanda Safari vacation.
